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Private gym for 1:1 and group training


Private gym where we focus on you

This is a safe space free from judgement and where we can discuss everything, high and low in a private setting.

We start where you are at today and build from there. I will be cheering you on every step of the way!

Come as you are and leave feeling refreshed and motivated!


A different strategy

We want quick fixes and buy packages with intense training, excessive cardio and fad diets that lasts for a few weeks and then we blame ourselves when it doesn't work. 
Sounds familiar?

There is a better way!

To fight the signs of aging and to live healthy and happy we need:


  • Tailored strength training, low intensity cardio and/or HIIT.

  • A sustainable high protein diet with healthy carbs and fats in the right amounts for your body and lifestyle.

  • Most of us also need corrective exercises to realign our bodies.

  • Recovery and stress management is crucial to  feel our best

Rinse and repeat over time and you will get the results you want.

Not in 3 weeks, but you will start to see real results in 12 weeks.

Build your wellness step by step

The best place to start is at the beginning with the basics.


If you progress workouts and diet in a sustainable way, step by step, you will get to your goals faster without setbacks. 


To change things in steps with a proper plan with the goal in mind gives both your body and mind time to adjust and you will thrive throughout the journey.


To tailor the plan to your unique circumstances will empower you and make it easier to stick to it. 

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